Due to the company's increased disciplinary action in regard to safety violations it is highly encouraged by this local to invoke your Weingarten Rights whenever approached by your Manager or a member of the Safety team. You must request a union representative as this is your right and not a company obligation to offer. Weingarten rights are as follows (and you can quote this verbatem):
If this discussion could in ANY way lead to my being disciplined or terminated, or affect my personal working conditions, I respectfully request that my union representative, officer or steward be present at this meeting."
At that point you should cease and desist any work and wait for your representative. If you are asked to unlock your vehicle you will need to hand your keys to the requestor. You are not required to perform any actions prior to the arrival of the union. The customer should be advised by the company rep why you are not continuing your work.
Definitions: cease-to stop any work in progress
desist-to not begin any other work function
If anyone invoking these rights is challenged by the company rep call immediately:
Eric 321-749-5845